pregnancy by week

Week 37


Baby’s got skillz — gripping, blinking, sucking, inhaling, exhaling — and will soon be an expert at pooping, too.


Find a new moms support group or baby group to join, preferably one in your neighborhood that will meet regularly in person. It will help you to keep your sanity. (Online groups and forums don’t get you out of the house!)


If you see mom waddling around looking frumpy and miserable, tell her she’s gorgeous and how much you love her. Try tapping on her tummy to see if you can get a reaction from junior.


As D-day approaches, make sure you’re in agreement about communications from the delivery room. Will you tweet out progress reports? Post pictures to Instagram or Facebook? Or keep it all private until you can announce baby’s safe arrival?


How to make mom friends (2life blog)
Social media in the delivery room: Too up close and personal? (Michiana Family Magazine)
New moms seek Instagram-worthy makeovers in the delivery room (Mashable)
Video, for fun: I’m so pregnant, parody of Iggy Azalea’s “Fancy” (WhatsUpMoms)