
The Sharing That Matters Most

“Sharing” has come to mean something new in this age of social networking: telling everybody about this and that, in a way that has become easy and commonplace. We’re all for this kind of sharing, but when it comes to your partner, old-fashioned sharing—the kind that goes hand-in-hand with profound caring—is fundamental. After all, strong relationships are based on shared experiences — past, present and future, through good times and bad. Sharing is what it’s all about. We’re not just talking about heart-to-heart talks (but please have them, and often!). It’s also important to share information, even if it’s something trivial, like “we’re out of coffee.”

Several years ago, our president and founder, Diane Hall, had the idea that couples needed an easy way to coordinate their lives together and share information even when they were apart — a communication tool with a shared calendar, lists, and so on. We explored the possibility of a website-based tool, but back then, the technology was just too clunky. Fast forward through gigantic technological leaps, the proliferation of mobile devices, and cultural shifts brought about by social media, and here we are: the time to implement that idea has come.

Our 2life apps keep you connected with an exclusive channel of communication and shared lists and calendar; help you plan for the future with ideas, inspiration, and planning tools; and give you a place to store memories of your favorite moments together. And if you want to share from the app to your social networks, you can do that too.

Please let us know what you think. We welcome your comments, suggestions and questions via Facebook or Twitter or by email (feedback at

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