
Brides Throwing Cats: A Kittyrrific Wedding Photoshop Meme

Of all the cheesy and off-putting wedding traditions, the bouquet toss takes the cake as the absolute worst: the blushing bride throws her flowers to a crowd of single ladies who would rather be at the bar ordering another double-G&T or making out with the hunky best man in the loo.


Leave it to the Internet to turn this irritating custom into a kittyrrific meme. We’re talking, of course, about the Tumblr Brides Throwing Cats, your latest dose of wedding photography lolz. It’s way funnier to watch guests scramble to catch a cuddly lil kitteh over a bridal bouquet.

Photoshopped airborne cats weren’t the first creatures to crash wedding photos. Pictures with Photoshopped dinosaurs, zombies and even a Star Wars attack have been all over the internet in the past year. Take a look through some of our faves — you just might find inspiration for an idea that could make your Photoshopped wedding pics go viral!




Image(s): Top to bottom: Brian Aulick;; J. Quinn Miller; Imgur; Little Blue Lemon

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