date ideas
Movie Night At Home
This is the perfect Date Night for some, and you probably have your own ways to make it special. We’re all for the popcorn-and-wine scenario, but try shaking things up now and then by doing something a little different.
• Agree to choose one movie each — any movie, without regard to your partner’s preferences — and promise to watch them both together.
• Choose a movie you know nothing about. In fact, don’t even read the summary or reviews first, just hit play and see what you get.
• Set up an extra-special viewing place. Turn your garage into your own drive-in theater, or set something up in your backyard.
• Choose a meal to cook and a film to watch that go together. An obvious example: a menu from Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking and Julie & Julia.
Image(s): iStockPhoto