If one more person tells me they have finally found their “soul mate” I am going to slit my wrists. I am gobsmacked that almost 50% of people in a recent Globe and Mail poll said they believe in love at first sight, and over 30% think that every person has one particular soul mate.
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The Ethics Of Cheating: Would You Own Up To An Affair?
People all across the nation are pledging to be faithful to the one they love. Over 90 per cent of people in a Pew Research survey said “faithfulness” is “very important” for a successful marriage. Curious, then, that statistics tell a different story. “Cheating” is not uncommon.
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Post-Wedding Disorder (Yes, It’s A Thing)
My wedding, the happiest day of my life, passed away on June 23. Since it’s passing, I’ve had trouble accepting that it’s gone. My husband, Shaun, calls this sadness post-wedding disorder, or PWD.
Read More...It is easy to think being the child of divorce is all bad. According to the research, kids from broken families are more likely to smoke, be on Ritalin, suffer from lower self esteem, drop out of school, suffer a stroke, and die earlier than kids from intact families.
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Quiz: How Healthy Is Your Relationship?
All relationships are vulnerable to periods of conflict and/or monotony. When couples don’t understand that these are anticipated and natural events in the course of a relationship, they may start looking for the exit door, thinking that they have made a grievous mistake.
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The Thrill Of The Hunt
My older son Jake has been studying philosophy at a liberal arts college on the east coast. Most of the time, I have no idea what he is talking about. During one Skype call, he was jabbering excitedly about the delights of Epicurus.
Read More...My husband and I go to bed late. We’re oriented toward nightness, as sleep experts call it. Like most couples, we have had to make myriad life adjustments–getting to know the in-laws, juggling career demands and living through home renos–yet our our insomnolence has remained a constant issue.
Read More...When Karley was diagnosed with cancer, she knew there was no time like the present to marry Ian, her longtime boyfriend. So, on his 50th birthday, she invited a group of their closest friends and family to join her in the biggest secret she had ever planned: a surprise wedding for her and Ian.
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Is Your Happy Marriage Making You Heavier?
Why is it that all of the things we love make us gain weight? French fries, deep-fried chicken wings and a blissful marriage… wait, what? According to a study out of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, the happier you are with your marriage, the more likely you are to pack on the pounds.
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Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Stick with someone long enough and chances are one of their personal traits or habits will start to drive you crazy. Whether it is the way they chew their food, laugh in a hee-haw fashion, or leave the lights on when they exit a room, these minor irritants can start to take on a life […]