
Tap Into Your Relationship

Isn’t it amazing what we can do nowadays with our fingertips? We can tap, click and swipe our way through the day, gaining instant access to an unfathomable amount of information and connecting with people all over the world. But sometimes all of that information is overwhelming. The most important messages — those from your partner — get buried in your various inboxes and apps.

Our 2life app gives you a private, secure network for two that consolidates the information that you and your favorite person share with one another, in one place, without distractions. Whether you’re in the same room or in different countries, the two of you can use 2life to organize everything you’re up to together. Information added to your 2life calendar, lists, and more gets shared between your devices instantaneously so you’re both always up to date. And when you are apart, 2life also gives you a private channel of communication for keeping in touch.

We launched 2life for Apple devices first: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and iPad mini (requires iOS 6.0 or greater). If you happen to have more than two, you can use 2life on all of them; they will all sync up in real time. We’ll roll out 2life on other platforms just as soon as we can.

Please let us know what you think. We welcome your comments, suggestions and questions via Facebook or Twitter or by email (feedback at

Image(s): iStockphoto

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